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Our classroom expectations are:
1.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.
2. Say kind words, cheer people up, share with friends, and think of others' feelings.
3. Be role models, listen to others, take ownership for our actions and materials, and follow directions.
4. Be ready to learn.
5. Be respectful of each others' space and think before you say and do.
**** Please remember to sign and return the How Am I Doing? (Green Sheet) /Homework Log each week!  Thank you!
Monday: Music- 8:30-9:00, PE- 9:00-9:30
Tuesday: PE- 8:30-9:00, Art- 9:00-10:00
Wednesday: Learning Center- 8:30-9:00, PE- 9:00-9:30
Thursday: PE- 8:30-9:00, Learning Center- 9:00-9:30
Friday: PE- 8:30-9:00, Music- 9:00-9:30, Library Check-out 11:30-11:50








Expectations and Schedule

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